It is said that photography is painting with light.
I like painting.
Most, when light falls on people's faces.
I like faces.
I like people.
Therefore, the creation of portraits gives me
a great pleasure.
I simply
love it.
What makes me different? I just love photography. And I truly love people. The sessions are just pure fun for me - I have fun and I share it with my models. I understand that posing can be a bit stressful (privately I do not like it at all!), but I also know how wonderful souvenir photographs can be - for us, our children, friends, next generations. Memory is fallible, moments escape, disappear in time.
I am specializing in on-location, mostly natural light portraiture. I try to let feel my models freely and naturally. This is Lifestyle Photography - an I absolutely LOVE it (am I repeating myself? ;-}).
I am based in Neuchatel and work mostly in my canton - but if you would like make your photo shoots somewhere else, just let me know. I like traveling through Switzerland. By the way - I am the author of a travel guide to Switzerland (before I became a photographer, I use to work in a newspaper editorial).
As a photographer with a passion for portrait's photography I see the world very speciall. If you would like to see yourself through my eyes - and trough the lenses of my camera as well - feal free to contact me. I will be more than happy working with you!
Here are notes from a few of my wonderful clients:
I received several comments about my on-line profiles such as " you should really change your pictures..." and also "you look so much younger that on your LinkedIn picture!" or "I could not recognized you from your profile picture!" I knew that I should really do something about it!
But, I should admit I am not a big fan of pictures of myself and moreover making pictures is a kind of intimate experience and so, I was postponing and postponing...
Life coincidences made that I met Magdelena and that her inviting and outgoing personality made me trust her to take some professional picture of me.
It was an incredible experience, we had so much fun! I completely forgot she had a camera and very quickly started to be myself.
The pictures were amazing! Last time I liked myself on a picture I was 20 years old…and then I had other assets;-)
Not only I am very happy with my on-line profile pictures and also I got plenty of positive comments from everybody: friends, clients, social media contacts!!
Many thanks Magdelena!!
J'avais absolument besoin de nouvelles photos et cela me faisait soucis... Quand je me regarde dans un miroir je constate avec étonnement que le temps a passé bien vite et si je le l'ai pas vu filer il a laissé des traces sur mon visage. J'ai beau frotter le miroir, les traces restent.
Toutes les personnes qu'elle a eu l'occasion de photographier, sur le vif, dans l'action (ce n'étaient pas des sessions de photographies) ont toutes été surprises de se voir aussi belles (même celles qui en général détestent se voir en photo).
Here are notes from a few of my wonderful clients:

But, I should admit I am not a big fan of pictures of myself and moreover making pictures is a kind of intimate experience and so, I was postponing and postponing...
Life coincidences made that I met Magdelena and that her inviting and outgoing personality made me trust her to take some professional picture of me.
It was an incredible experience, we had so much fun! I completely forgot she had a camera and very quickly started to be myself.
The pictures were amazing! Last time I liked myself on a picture I was 20 years old…and then I had other assets;-)
Not only I am very happy with my on-line profile pictures and also I got plenty of positive comments from everybody: friends, clients, social media contacts!!
Many thanks Magdelena!!
Sandrine, director job4U2

Et j'ai rencontré Magdalena, et nous avons parlé en toute confiance comme savent le faire les femmes qui se reconnaissent soeurs. Magdalena est venue chez moi avec tout son attirail de photographe, elle m'a donné quelques conseils de maquillage, a supervisé ma coiffure et choisit mon chemisier blanc. Surtout elle a su me regarder avec de la lumière dans l'objectif et sous un angle amical. Elle m'a fait rire et sourire et nous nous sommes amusées à faire des photos avec cet esprit de petites filles qui jouent avec plaisir.
Lorsqu'elle m'a envoyé les essais j'ai été étonnée de me voir si belle et surtout je me reconnaissait de l'intérieur, c'était bien moi...
Merci Magdalena.
Magdalena a cette capacité à saisir très rapidement la personnalité des personnes qu'elle photographie, tout en les mettant en valeur. Ses photographies d'ambiance et d'objets sont également magnifiques. Grâce à elle, notre site internet (, mais également nos présentations powerpoint ou nos posters de présentation, ont gagné en qualité et ont reçu de nombreux commentaires positifs.
Nathalie Ljuslin, coordinatrice de RECIF
Quelle belle expérience que cette session photo! Nous étions enchantés, mon ami et moi, de faire cette session de couple.

Mais c'est vrai qu'au départ, nous ne savions pas trop comment bouger, nous positionner pour les photos. Heureusement, Magdalena a su nous mettre en confiance et nous guider pour la session. Avec son humour et ses idées, nous avons même pris goût à nous mettre en scène (que de rires). Et quand on voit le résultat, c'est formidable.
Un grand merci à Magdalena!
Lucile & Rafael
It was a great pleasure to work with Magdalena. She is open, energetic and full of ideas how she would like the session to look like. I felt like a real model during the meeting and when I saw the final result! This is a good experience that will stay with you - not only as memories, but also as photos you can share with others. And the result is simply stunning – somehow she can find a real beauty in you...
Definitely looking forward for a new session anytime soon – this time a family one :-)

Aldona Palka
Working with Magdalena at two photo sessions she did for me was not "working" at all, not for me at least. It was a great fun, a very funny, exciting and refreshing adventure! I didn't even notice the time passing by, I didn't feel tired or impatient - opposite, I enjoyed all the time and for sure would like to do it again. All that thanks to Magdalena - she easily managed to make me feel relaxed and created a great work environment. A very creative and easygoing person, rich with energy, millions of ideas and a very professional background. For sure she is a real artist and at the same time she is a very responsible person , taking her job seriously.
All that results in the extraordinary pieces of work. The photos are interesting, showing people's inside beauty, they are something that one wants to keep forever and share with others. Thanks Madzia!
Magdalena Pieczka
It was a pleasure to work with Magdalena. I really liked her portfolio and seeing the results for myself, I was not disappointed. She had an excellent manner with the kids, who easily overcame their natural shy-ness. Magdalena really got the best out of the session, even though my daughter turned out to be suffering from an ear infection. I also really liked the post production work she did. The photos, as well as the specialty prints were a huge success with family and friends.
I had a pleasure to have pregnancy photo session with Magdalena. I was already 35 weeks pregnant and wanted to capture it in the pictures. Magdalena had great idea about the location and timing. She was also very flexible and open-minded. I had a few ideas as well and thanks to her experience we manage to realize it. She made me feel comfortable and beautiful - It shows in the pictures. She is very detail oriented and always have some small decoration in her suitcase that will make a picture original and memorable.
That was a wonderful session and we(me and my husband) didn't even realized the time. After a week or so I received amazing photos. My family will forever get to enjoy my pregnant belly :) Thank you Magdalena!!!
Anna Giemza

All that results in the extraordinary pieces of work. The photos are interesting, showing people's inside beauty, they are something that one wants to keep forever and share with others. Thanks Madzia!
Magdalena Pieczka

I could recommend anyone to work with Magdalena as she has an exceptional eye and produces results beyond what many other professional photographers deliver.
Marc Lakmaaker

That was a wonderful session and we(me and my husband) didn't even realized the time. After a week or so I received amazing photos. My family will forever get to enjoy my pregnant belly :) Thank you Magdalena!!!
Anna Giemza